You'll get access to digitized version of all Tender Notice of your interest as well as access to original tender notice as printed in newspaper/website. This'll help you to search Tender Notice by various parameters as well as have the original document for quoting reference. In case of foreign language (non English) partial translation of Tender Notice is also available. Register now
You'll get access to detailed Standard Tender Documents (STD) wherever available for free. On basis of Tender Notice & Document you can make an informed decision to bid or not to bid. In tenders where Tender Documents are not available, we can help you procure the document on cost+ basis using our network of local partners around the world. Register now.
You can access minutes of pre bid meeting if the same is publicly available. You can also avail our "attending pre bid meeting on your behalf" service such that we can raise the questions you may have, compile questions that were raised during meeting & list who all attended the meeting. To know more, register today.
You'll also get access to corrigendum & addendum notices. This will help you stay updated about the changes in terms & conditions of tenders and due date of submission. Since such notices are published just few days in advance, missing them can result in submission of partially incomplete or wrong bid. To view such notices for tenders you are bidding, register now.
You can bank on us to submit both online & offline bids. For online submission, you'll get the necessary training & help to procure a valid digital certificate. In case of offline bidding, you can get your bid submitted via our network of tender consultants. You can also get to know the list of participants & preliminary results. Know more.
You can also track Tender cancellation notices on TenderTiger. This'll help you initiate the process to get your EMD/Security money back that you would have submitted along with tender notice. You can also use our network of tender consultants, to follow up for the recovery of EMD/BG/Bid documents on cost+ basis. Know more.
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